This blog is a website to provide ongoing support to all teachers in their implementation of the Island Energy Inquiry Curriculum shared in teacher workshops throughout Hawai'i.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Island Energy Inquiry Leadership Seminar

Educators from all over the islands gathered here at our MEDB Lab in Kihei, Maui to learn about and participate in activities related to renewable energy, in hopes of adding these activities to their current curriculum. The Island Energy Inquiry program is led by Diana Papini-Warren, a project manager for Women in Technology and MEDB. This is a compilation of pictures taken by the IEI leaders during the workshop this past June. Each participant was lent their own personal Ipod Touch to take pictures of various renewable energy activities throughout the day. They completed a couple of wind turbine projects and also a solar power activity. Mahalo to Eliza Akana, Ignacio Arcas, Gentry Hirohata, Pam Kohara, Holly Lee, J. Mitchell, Debby Tisdell, and Karen Umeda for participating.

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